Les Cancers Endocriniens, published in Le Médecin du Québec, October 2021

Dre. Cynthia Landry is a primary care physician in Châteauguay, Quebec, working as an emergency physician at the Anna-Laberge hospital. Dre. Landry is also a member of the CNETS Medical & Scientific Advisory Board and member of the CNETS Awareness Committee.

As a result of first-hand experience navigating neuroendocrine cancer medical care for her husband, Simon, who is a pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer patient, Dre. Landry sought to make an impact on the knowledge of neuroendocrine cancers within the primary care medical community in Quebec and raise greater awareness and understanding of this relatively unknown form of cancer.

In the October 2021 issue of  Le Médecin du Québec, “les Cancers Endocriniens” (endocrine cancers), Dre. Cynthia Landry and Dr. Frédéric Mercier wrote two of the five articles, published in print and digitally.

The NET Awareness article is accessible to all practicing and retired general practitioners in Quebec as well as family medicine residents and medical students at universities of Laval, Sherbrooke and Montreal.

This publication will hopefully represent a template for future outreach beyond Quebec and CNETS is excited to work with Dre. Landry to turn this provincial model of GP awareness into a national strategy.