CNETS is dedicated to supporting excellence in fundraising for this important cause. We can successfully fundraise only with the support of our friends and community.

If you wish to limit or alter the number or timing of the mailings you receive, please contact us at 1-844-628-6788 to discuss your preferences. We value all of our supporters and are committed to working with each for their benefit and that of CNETS. We do not trade, rent or sell the names of our valued supporters.

If you wish to be removed from our fundraising list(s) at any time, please contact us at 1-844-628-6788 or email: [email protected]

CNETS is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its constituents (employees, donors and other stakeholders). CNETS has taken the necessary actions to ensure that information in any format (paper or electronic) is protected so that the relationship of trust between the constituent and CNETS is upheld. CNETS recognizes, and adheres to, the following guiding principles:

  1. Accountability for Personal Information.
  2. Identifying Purposes for the Collection of Personal Information.
  3. Obtaining Consent for the Collection, Use or Disclosure of Personal Information.
  4. Limiting Collection of Personal Information.
  5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Personal Information.
  6. Ensuring Accuracy of Personal Information.
  7. Ensuring Safeguards for Personal Information.
  8. Openness Concerning Policies and Practices.
  9. Access to Personal Information.
  10. Challenging Compliance.