PMPRB Patient Group Consultation Submission
Patient Groups send a strong message to the Federal Minister of Health: Patient voices must be heard. We ask the @CDNMinHealth to halt the review of drug prices and move to [...]
Patient Groups send a strong message to the Federal Minister of Health: Patient voices must be heard. We ask the @CDNMinHealth to halt the review of drug prices and move to [...]
Somatuline Autogel is the first and only somatostatin analog (SSA) approved in Canada to treat enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours and carcinoid syndrome. Februaury 13th, 2018 - Health Canada announced the approval [...]
CNETS Canada Montreal Support Group Leaders Donna Hillier, Daniel Opoku and volunteer Marie-Anne Risdon set up a kiosk at the Ceders Cancer Foundation - CEDARS CANSUPPORT WORLD CANCER DAY, providing [...]