Meet Amanda Rice
“I donate to CNETS Canada because I quickly saw how important the services that CNETS provides are to patients and caregivers after my husband was diagnosed with NET cancer. CNETS Canada makes such a difference in the lives of people affected by this disease, which is why I was inspired to donate myself and organize an annual fundraising event.”

Amanda Rice – Toronto, ON
Amanda is a market researcher in the financial services industry and mom to a 3-year old Labradoodle, Murphy. She loves spending time exploring everything the city has to offer, but also likes to travel at every opportunity. Her husband, Greg, was diagnosed with pancreatic NETs (pNET) with extensive liver mets in 2010 and passed away in 2014.
What is your involvement with CNETS Canada? Why did you get involved?
“I have been involved with CNETS Canada in many ways over the past 6 years. My first experience was as a community member, taking advantage of the support and education they offer patients and caregivers. I have volunteered at patient education sessions and other events. I have donated to and fundraised for CNETS Canada. And recently I have joined the Board of Directors as Director of Patient Education.”
How has CNETS Canada made a difference to you? What if CNETS Canada didn’t exist?
“The 2012 CNETS Canada conference made a huge difference in Greg’s life and mine. We attended sessions given by many well-respected NETS specialists from Canada and around the world. We were able to speak with physicians to ask questions about Greg’s case. We heard about the newest in diagnostics and treatments. The conference also provided an opportunity to meet other patients and hear about their experiences. I’m very excited to be planning the 2017 CNETS Canada Conference and I hope it’s as beneficial to others as the 2012 conference was to me.”
What factors go into your decisions around giving to organizations and being a donor?
“There are two things that are most important to me when choosing where to give my donation dollars. The first is personal relevance; I choose to donate to organizations that have some sort of meaning in my life. The second is the impact the organization is having with those donor funds.”