Meet Sally Turney
“I donate to CNETS Canada because it is important to direct our money to a cancer difficult to treat and connect this to the rare cancer that our friend has. The personal driver is the strongest factor. We want to find a cure to help our friend and others. We want to sit together on rocking chairs on the porch and grow old together.”
Sally Turney (with her husband Ross) – Toronto, On
Sally is a communications executive. She is a proud mother, step-mother and grandmother. She has given to cancer-related charities for years.
How has CNETS Canada made a difference?
“I believe it’s the research component. CNETS Canada can bring findings from other countries back to the patient community. The education of patients is key so they can make informed choices.”
What appeals to you most about the work CNETS Canada does?
“What appeals to me is that the work of CNETS Canada feels very grass roots. It’s dealing with people affected with neuroendocrine cancer. The web site is well done and the newsletter is clear and interesting. I read every newsletter.”
What advice would you have for CNETS Canada in the future?
“I think if organizations like CNETS Canada are going to attract large donors it would behoove these organizations to have a rigorous governance structure along with processes and procedures in place. It’s an exciting opportunity to grow and change.”
What do you want from CNETS Canada as a donor?
“I would like to see CNETS Canada grow and gain more visibility. As a donor, I get all the information I need from the newsletter and the Facebook page. Job well done!”